
I flere år har utstyr og maskinsystemer blitt utviklet og produsert i våre anlegg. De startet som prototyper og er nå standardiserte serieprodukter.

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TC2 Loom

TC2 Loom

A digital loom ideal for artists, freelancers, designers, and educational institutions.



An automated pallet label applicator, equipped with a printer and a scanner.



High-tech disinfection machine that eliminates 99, 9999% of all bacteria, viruses, and spores.

Powder Dosing

Powder Dosing

An automatic dosing system.

Proof Coin Production

Proof Coin Production

An automated machine system that handles coins and medals.

Wax Applicator machine

Wax Applicator machine

An environmentally friendly machine that coats plants with wax and ensures insect control.

Kontakt oss

Erik Hjertaas

Erik Hjertaas

General Manager Packaging Technology (Decon-X)

+47 916 16 862

Tommy Karlsson

Tommy Karlsson

General Manager Special Machines

+47 905 51 844

Vibeke Vestby

Vibeke Vestby

Sales Manager TC2 loom

+47 909 57 586

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